15 Things I’m Loving Lately

Hello everyone. Back to the week we go. Sunday was a very busy day for me. Lots of laundry, meal prepping, blog work, etc. So I didn’t have time for a real blog, nor do I want to bore you with details of all the clothes I folded. So I thought I’d do 15 things I’m loving lately!

1. Chia seeds- I put them in a protein fluff yesterday 🙂 You have to give the body those good fats and omega 3’s!


2. This picture of my friend Patricia- Is this real life? It looks fake! This is the Bahamas. GORGEOUS!


3. Quest Bars broiled. If you have heated them up, try broiling for 5 minutes instead. HEAVEN!


4. Pool Days- Do I need to explain this one?


5. Teeny Toy finds- Phoebe loves little tiny toys, Petco had these and I was so excited.


6. Smoked chicken breast and arugula in a gem wrap


7. My Vinyasa scarf


8. Bikini Pro Yeshaira Robles- Even more gorgeous not dolled up!


9. Greek Yogurt- it has come back into my life, I eat it plain! Doesn’t upset my tum either

10. These bowls. How cute?


11. And these coffee mugs!


12. Big Brother Reruns


13. Snuggling with Phoebs (we’ve been inseparable lately, more than normal!)


14. This perfume. It has a Vanilla Bourbon smell!


15. 15 reps of exercises!


What are you loving lately?

Have a lovely day,

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    I still have yet to try a quest bar, which is still kind of sad haha. Ugh hell to the yes to pool days! I very badly needed one in my life yesterday, but never made it anywhere due to being stuck watching Pretty Little Liars….My favorite thing lately has been my phone calls every night with my boyfriend while I walk around town. It’s kind of like my little downtown :).

  2. Anesa

    does milk upset your stomach?

  3. Amy

    I just found Quest bars at my local grocery store! Looking forward to trying them. Thanks for the tip on heating them up first!

    Lately I’m loving reading this blog–I’m a new reader! Also, loving the weather! We’re in a sweet spot in Iowa right now where we’re finally out of spring, but the 100 degree temps and 100% humidity all day every day is still a couple weeks away!

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