Crying Over Spilled Milk

Hello Friends! I am back with a regular blog! Yippeeeeee.

I apologize for not having my regular day yesterday, I wasn’t feeling good, but I hope the Peanut Butter Cup recipe satisfied you! Some of my Instagram followers tried it and loved them. So happy I can bring you guys healthy treats 🙂

So let me catch up on some things. I have been following my alphabet game accordingly. O was eaten all day long with lots of organic fruit, and some grilled onions for dinner.

And since today is P? Well I have a fabulous peachy protein drink for you. And it’s not just any old protein shake. Only the best one I’ve ever made. Hands down. I bring you my Peaches N Cream Protein Milkshake. 

Click me for the recipe! There's a SECRET INGREDIENT!
Click me for the recipe!

You have to click the above picture because it has a very secret ingredient that is the KEY to making it taste like a milkshake!

Since I didn’t update yesterday I will show you the very few things I did which included going to the store… and someone please tell me why VELVEETA was placed in the produce aisle with the zucchini and asparagus?

Processed cheese with your veggies? I'll pass!
Processed cheese with your veggies? I’ll pass!

I also meal prepped

Salads, smoked chicken breast, spinach, soba noodles, baby cabbages. Greek Yogurts and cottage cheese for breakfasts!
Salads, smoked chicken breast, spinach, soba noodles, baby cabbages. Greek Yogurts and cottage cheese for breakfasts with fruits and jams.

The cottage cheese is the Friendship brand with no added salt! So great. I love the lids:

So true :)
So true 🙂
I also received a lovely little package from Sephora. Yay
And I received a lovely little package from Sephora. Yay

Moving on to yesterday, my work day was not very fun. I was still having that down in the dumps feeling and my white coat was MIA. Thank goodness the one that was being dry cleaned was finished!

Fresh white coat. Splotchy mirrors in the locker room, ick
Fresh white coat. Pockets always stuffed! Splotchy mirrors in the locker room, ick.

By the end of the day I was begging for the clock to strike 4:30 and all I could think about was my protein shake (I bought a new chocolate whey brand). I was in such a hurry to get changed for the gym that this happened:

Protein Drink on the OR locker room floor
Protein Drink on the OR locker room floor

I was stressed, and when I’m stressed, tears are shed. So yes I cried over spilled milk. It was just my tipping point I guess. You look forward to one thing all day and then it’s taken from you. 🙁

I still went to the gym anyway…

Breaking rules again, scarf and sleeveless top
Breaking rules again, scarf and sleeveless top

I decided to try the other Gold’s gym that I previously belonged to. I wanted to see if it was less crowded. Well it was WORSE. Extremely packed. The good news is they had 2 new beautiful stairmasters, top of the line! I spent 30 minutes on one. But again there were only 2, 4 in all, and I had to stalk to get the one I wanted! I will probably head back to my old gym later today.

I did a quick arm routine too:

  • Tricep cable pulldowns, 40 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets (2 sets overhand grip, 2 sets underhand grip)
  • Bicep cable curls, 40 lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets, then 50 lbs, 10 reps x 2 sets
  • Tricep overhead pull with cable rope, 40 lbs, 12 reps x 3 sets, then 50 lbs, 10 reps x 1 set
  • 25 lb plate hammer curls, 12 reps x 2 sets
  • 25 lb overhead tricep extensions, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Drag curls, 30 lb bar, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Tricep kickbacks using 10 lb plates each hand, 12 reps x 3 sets
  • Bicep rope hammer curls, 40 lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets, then 50 lbs, 12 reps x 2 sets
  • Tricep assisted dips, 15 reps x 3 sets

As you can see not my normal arm workout at all. I think I am going to move arms to a day when I am off! It’s one of my favorite workouts and I rush through it and don’t feel like I am giving it my all. Going to start adjusting my days this week so bear with me!

I also did my “in betweeners”- plate side bends & torso twists

Shirt was bugging me! Had to knot tie it in the back
Shirt was bugging me! Had to knot tie it in the back

At home I made a dinner of mahi mahi using my Maple Rub, and a side of zucchini and asparagus.

Sorry so dark, I was lazy and took the picture with my phone versus my camera
Sorry so dark, I was lazy and took the picture with my phone versus my camera

I finished my night with blogging and The Bachelor!

Today Phoebe is spending the day at G-Mama and Pop Pops. I know she is going to be so excited when she finds out! Only bad part is getting up extra early to take her over at 5 am.

Look at her face! Yeah and then she bit me... ;)
Look at her face! Yeah and then she bit me… 😉

I’d also like to thank all my new readers! Yesterday my blog exploded from my pins on  Pinterest. My readers increased 500%. I was floored, that’s a real number! I hope you guys continue to follow this blog, I have lots of delicious recipes and fun workouts coming your way 🙂

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Chelsea @ LittleOneRuns

    omg i know those days!! i’ve had many of them, one thing after another, and tears are bound to be spilled!! but look at it this way, it can only go up from here 🙂 MMMMMmmmmm love peach shakes!! i made one over the summer with vanilla whey powder, too good to be true 🙂

    1. Katie

      Yeah I think we all have them!

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