Happy 1 Year Blog Anniversary


Today marks one full year of blogging. I can’t believe it! I have to say I have grown a lot in the past year and learned from mistakes too. When I started this blog, I was pretty sure my mom and dad were going to be the only 2 to ever read it. To my surprise, people started reading it! So THANK YOU so much to those that have followed my journey so far. Thank youย to those who read my early posts and still decided to come back to read more.

Remember when my blog looked like this?


Mom and Dad are the only ones nodding their heads yes.

Thank youย to my amazing support circle: my mom, dad, Casey, Drue, baby Bell, and DiPeppe who encourage me to keep writing and live my dream. And thank you to those who found me by Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and just plain googling! You guys rock ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh and the biggest thank you goes to my partner in crime. Half of my blogging is dedicated to my ball of fluff and she’s by my side day and night as I type away. My Phoebs ๐Ÿ™‚

Phoebe likes it

In case you’d like a little flash from the past, HERE was my very first blog post.

Little Skinny Minnie!

I remember telling my mom about it after I posted it and I was so nervous that she’d think I was being silly. One year later she sends me a text every day saying she loved my blog with a little comment. My own personal critic ๐Ÿ™‚

Speaking of silly, when I first told people I was starting a blog many laughed. I guess they thought I’d never stick with it, or it would be poorly done. Well Minnie doesn’t do things in a small way, and she certainly doesn’t quit. One year going strong and better than ever.

What my site is all about!

I thought I’d go through a little 1 year blog review and highlight some of my favorite moments. It took me a while to find the good stuff because I had over 450 posts. Wow, that’s a lot of me!

  • My first recipe- Cran-Nan-Jam. This was before I put little stories with my recipes, which I prefer to do now! Plus the pictures were horrific with my iPhone. I still am not a great photographer, but I’m learning ๐Ÿ™‚


  • My Before and After page. ย Initially when I started blogging I said I’d never post the unflattering old pictures of me, but it shows how far I’ve come! Now I’ll pretty much post anything.

before after meal plan

Fluffy protein shake

Meal prepping lunches

Detox drink

  • My most popular “food” recipe- Clean Turkey Chili- funny because I haven’t made this since! I guess I should ๐Ÿ™‚

Slow Cooker Clean Turkey Chili

Yes- It’s the story of Miss Phoebe Buffay ๐Ÿ™‚

Phoebe High in the Sky

I have so much more to learn and my dreams have grown so big. I have my hand in several projects to advance my career as a blogger, I still work full time, and I try to keep cooking every single day, even if it’s a failure. To the outsider this looks like just a hobby, but I put my heart and soul into my words, my food, and my workouts. For all my female readers, yes our lives are insanely busy and crammed, but YOU CAN DO IT. Whatever it is you want to do. I love being a strong, independent woman, and a multi-tasker at that! A year has flown by and there were times where I said “I can’t do it”, “I’m so tired” or “no one is even reading this”, but I kept going because it’s what I love. And while I love medicine and being a PA, I know my heart is here with this blog. Motivating, Inspiring, and COOKING! So let me get on those projects so you can see these faces on some bookshelves ๐Ÿ˜‰

So thankful :)

Have a wonderful Monday! I’ll be back tomorrow with my weekend round-up post ๐Ÿ™‚


XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Jess

    Congrats!!! Getting the first year of blogging is hard work! Glad to hear you plan to keep it up!

    1. Katie

      Thanks Jess! We will have to do a blogger meet up soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Nicole

    Congrats love!! PS I remember when your blog looked like that first pic! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    So proud of you!

    1. Katie

      Aw I love you bebe! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne

    Congrats on your 1 year!!!!I can’t even remember how I came across your blog, but I’m so happy I did! Seriously one of my favorites to read. And you have all the determinationin the world, you’re going to make it far :).

  4. amyt

    Congrats to you!! I think I actually found your blog – by a comment you left on a another blog ๐Ÿ™‚ at any rate glad I did!!

  5. Catherine

    I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog when I was looking through another, Fitnessista I believe, from the FitBloggin’ 13 series. I’ve been sifting through your blog ever since! It’s been an inspiration both in the kitchen and in the gym, plus cute photos of Miss Buffay never hurt! ๐Ÿ˜‰ This fantastic blog has quickly become one of my absolute favorites.

    1. Katie

      Catherine, Thanks so much! Yes, I was in some of Gina’s pictures on her blog ๐Ÿ™‚ And Miss Buffay always steals the show! haha

  6. Erin G. @ Treats and Sneaks

    Congratulations on one year of blogging! I absolutely love your blog and love that you have a focus on strength. I’m so happy you ended up posting the before and after pictures! I remember when I heard the name Skinny Minnie Moves and thought (judgmentally) she’s probably never had to worry about weight. BUT I always do some snooping around on a new blog and seeing the before and after made you (to me at least) so much more relatable. My initial opinion wasn’t at all warranted so I’m glad I kept looking because I now read your blog on a daily basis. I love your recipes and workout recaps – keep it up!

  7. Lisa

    Congrats on your anniversary! Love your blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Angie

    Congrats on your anniversary! I’m so glad I found your blog! It’s very inspirational but also real. I like that you share the ups and downs in your life, even the weeks that are busy and rough you still make time to go to the gym. It helps me realize no matter what I can set aside time everyday for my workout.

  9. Liz Morin

    Love your blog – keep up the great work
    Sometimes I get a few days behind but I read every day

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